Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

Art Major Asian Scholarship, Korea National University of Arts

2013 Art Major Full Scholarship!!
Sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism, & Sports, Republic of Korea
AMA, Art Major Asian Scholarship project is the national scholarship program for bringing and educating international distinguished art elites. K-Arts selects the most outstanding artists from Asian countries as AMA grantees. Sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Sports & tourism, the scholarship covers full tuition fees, Korean language program fees, living and travel expenses(a round flight tickets) etc.
Types of Degree Program : Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees
Period and Amount of Scholarships
  • For bachelor’s: Up to four (five for architecture major) years with an award of 18 million won each year per student
  • For master’s: Up to two (three for 3 year program) years with an award of 18 million won each year per student
  • AMA Scholarship offers university tuition waive, Korean language program provision, living expenses, provision of housing and flight expenses, etc.
  • For the continuation of the stipend support, the selected students should maintain the academic record of B or above for each and every semesters throughout the scholarship period
Condition of AMA Scholarship
  • Provision of Living Expenses: 700,000won is granted every month.
  • Tuition Waive: 3,000,000won per semester is waived.
  • 5 Month Korean Language Tuition Waive: 3,000,000won is provided.
  • Provision of Dormitory: 390,000won per semester. Please note that Dormitory fee is included in the provision of living expenses.
  • Travel Expenses: One round trip flight tickets.
  • Cultural field trips, extracurriculum programs are all provided for the AMA student.
Qualifications for the Scholarship
  • Applicants recommend by the rector (president) of the university graduated or attending. or head of government-approved organizations, companies and art related institutions, etc.
  • Applicants with outstanding artistic talents, gifted skills and an excellent academic record.
  • Applicants recommended by the government, or ministries, or embassies of Korea or University president or head of art and culture related organization.
** Those who speak Korean language is highly preferred.

Eligible Applicant Country
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, Cambodia, China, Laos, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Uzbekistan, Kyrgizstan, Tibet, Turkey
Starting from 2013, Africa, Latin and South America countries are included!

  • Special Applicant Eligibility of the department
  • This list is only for specific departments, not all the departments of K-Arts.
  • All of 33 departments are opened to receive applicants. however if you are intended to apply the departments that are on this list, must meet the eligibility as below.
  • TOPIK : Test of Proficiency in Korean
  • If you are living in the country which doesn’t offer TOPIK exam, please submit the previous Korean language learning experiences, or equivalent certificate or recommendation letter of language teacher
School of Drama
Department of Acting : Korean Language Ability Required, You must submit performance video(CD) for your portfolio. English or Korean interview will be made if you’ve passed the acting department’s first selection. Holder of TOPIK is highly preferred. If not, Korean language certificate, or approval of the Korean language teacher is required.

School of Film, TV & Multimedia
  • Department of Film Making : TOPIK Level 3 holder or Equivalent Korean language certificate
  • Department of Cinema Studies : TOPIK Level 3 holder or Equivalent Korean language certificate
  • Department of Multimedia : TOPIK Level 3 holder or Equivalent Korean language certificate
  • Department of Animation : English or Korean interview will be made if you’ve passed the animation department’s first selection.
  • Department of Broadcasting : If you have Chinese nationality, 2012 scholarship is not opened for you.
School of Dance
  •  Department of Dance Performance : English or Korean interview will be made if you’ve passed the department’s first selection.
  • Department of Dance Theory : English or Korean interview will be made if you’ve passed the department’s first selection.
  • Department of Choreography : English or Korean interview will be made if you’ve passed the department’s first selection.
School of Visual Arts
  • Department of Fine Art : TOPIK Level 3 holder or Equivalent Korean language certificate
  • Department of Design : TOPIK Level 3 holder or Equivalent Korean language certificate
  • Department of Architecture : For the graduate program, you must submit more than 30 pages for your portfolio
  • Department of Art Theory : TOPIK Level 4 holder or Equivalent Korean language certificate
School of Korean Traditional Arts
  • Department of Traditional Arts Theory : English or Korean interview will be made if you’ve passed the department’s first selection.
  • Department of Traditional Music : English or Korean interview will be made if you’ve passed the department’s first selection.
  • Department of Traditional Dance : English or Korean interview will be made if you’ve passed the department’s first selection.
  • Department of Traditional Folk Theatrics : English or Korean interview will be made if you’ve passed the department’s first selection.
Inter-School Division
  • Department of Creative Writing : TOPIK level 5 holder
  • Department of Art Management : TOPIK level 3 holder
Deadlines : July 31, 2012
All the necessary and required documents, personally delivered by the university, must arrive at K’Arts by the deadlines.

Korea National University of Arts
Office of External Affairs
Seokgwan-dong Campus, 146-37 Hwarang-ro 32-gil, Seongbuk-Gu, Seokgwan-Dong,
Seoul, South Korea
For inquiry please contact: Tel : 822 746 9073, fax : 822 746 9079
For more information, please visit official website:

Credit : Kesma BEM KM Undip

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